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How I Mediate?

  • Marketing Resolution PO box 632 Marsing, Idaho United States (map)

Thursday, March 16th

8 a.m PST | 11 a.m EST

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Offered by Will Work For Food and moderated by Jeff Kichaven ( ) and Jean Lawler (

This worldwide conversation will be like nothing else.  Join in!  Share, learn, have fun.

Mr. Feinberg invites you to support Capital Area Food Bank.

Our special guest this week, Kenneth Feinberg, Former Special Master 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, will present on:

How I Mediate?

Ken Feinberg is renowned as the mediator of the biggest public policy disputes: The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, Agent Orange, Deepwater Horizon, and more.

Did you know he also has a robust practice mediating private B2B cases? Yes, cases like the ones we handle. Commercial parties duking it out.

So, aren’t you just dying to ask…

How does Ken Feinberg mediate? What’s his process, his philosophy, his approach? How does he handle high emotion, opening joint sessions, mediator’s proposals? What can we learn from Ken Feinberg to improve our own mediation and negotiation techniques?

We’ll cover all this and more in what promises to be an extraordinary hour.

Kenneth R. Feinberg is one of the nation’s leading experts in mediation, alternative dispute resolution and the design and administration of claims compensation programs. He has administered numerous high-profile compensation programs for the Department of Justice and others, having served, most importantly, as the Department of Justice’s designated Special Master of the Federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001.  In this capacity, Mr. Feinberg developed and promulgated the Regulations governing the Fund’s administration and oversaw the evaluation of applications, determinations of appropriate compensation, and dissemination of awards totaling over $7 billion in public taxpayer money. 


Mr. Feinberg has also served as Special Master – again appointed by the Department of Justice – in such highly public matters as the U.S. Victims of State-Sponsored Terrorism Fund (currently being administered by the Department of Justice) and as Administrator of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility to compensate victims of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


The Secretary of the Treasury appointed Mr. Feinberg in 2009 to serve as Special Master of the Troubled Asset Relief (“TARP”) Executive Compensation Program in order to determine the compensation structures of certain employees of Corporate TARP recipients who had received exceptional financial assistance.  In 2015, Mr. Feinberg was again appointed as Special Master by the Secretary of the Treasury to oversee the Department of the Treasury’s review of applications proposing to reduce pension benefits in connection with the Kline-Miller Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014. 

Since 2016, and up to the present, Mr. Feinberg has acted as an independent Fund Administrator for various Catholic Church sexual abuse claims compensation programs established by Catholic Dioceses in five states.

In addition, at the request of The Boeing Company in 2019, Mr. Feinberg helped design and independently administer two related funds – the Boeing Financial Assistance Fund, which allocated $50 mil to the families who lost loved ones in the two plane accidents, and the Boeing Community Investment Fund, which allocated $50 mil to family recommended charitable programs, projects and organizations.

March 9

Mediating Business Divorces

March 23

Microbes at the Mediation Table: How might food choices and the gut-brain connection impact dispute resolution?