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The Art of Collaboration

  • Marketing Resolution PO box 632 Marsing, Idaho United States (map)

Thursday, July 7th

8 a.m PST| 11 a.m EST

Register Here

Offered by Will Work For Food and moderated by Jeff Kichaven ( ) and Jean Lawler (

This worldwide conversation will be like nothing else.  Join in!  Share, learn, have fun.

Mr. Levine has encouraged you to support Alameda Food Bank

Our Special guest this week, Stewart Levine, Resolutionary at Resolution Works, will present on:

The Art of Collaboration

Collaboration is much more than connectivity. This program will provide an overview of the critical skills needed for powerful sustainable collaborations.

Stewart Levine is the founder of ResolutionWorks. Stewart is a"Resolutionary", Counselor, Mediator, Facilitator, Trainer, Author and widely recognized for creating agreement and empowerment in the most challenging circumstances. He improves productivity while saving the enormous cost of conflict. His innovative work with Agreements for Results and his Resolutionary conversational models are unique. As a practicing lawyer, he realized that fighting was a very ineffective way of resolving problems. As a marketing executive for AT&T he saw that the reason collaborations fall apart is that people do not spend the time at the beginning of new working relationships to create clarity about what they want to accomplish together, and how they will get there. This is true for employment relationships, teams, joint ventures and all members of any virtual team. His conversational models create Agreements for Results and a quick return to productivity when working relationships break down.

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