Upcoming WWFF Events

The Will Work For Food programs are presented primarily by and for attorneys, mediators and arbitrators. Each Thursday at 8am Pacific an amazing colleague joins us to give a webinar presentation about a timely topic. These programs are free. You can join us for all or one. We don’t ask you to pay for these invaluable webinars, instead we hope that you’ll make a donation of any size to your local food bank.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

We’re frequently asked if Continuing Education Credits/Units are available. Will Work For Food’s “The New Possibilities Hour” presentations are not pre-approved for CE. However, if you’d like a Certificate of Attendance to self-submit an application to your chosen licensing organization, please email Natalie with your request at Natalie@WillWorkForFood.news with your complete name as well as the name and date of the program you attended.

Filtering by: “Human Trafficking”

Human Trafficking: A Hidden Crime- Civil Litigation, Resolution of These Claims and The Countermeasures Going Forward

Human Trafficking: A Hidden Crime- Civil Litigation, Resolution of These Claims and The Countermeasures Going Forward

The presentation will discuss how to better spot human trafficking, what is being done to combat it, and identify the changing legal landscape affecting labor trafficking in the supply chain and sex trafficking in the context of premises liability.

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Have a Speaker or Topic Recommendation?

Please let us know if you have a suggestion for a speaker or topic that you’d like Will Work For Food to connect with or contact. Thank you!