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Trade Secrets 2021: What Mediators Need to Know.

  • Marketing Resolution PO box 1942 McCall United States (map)

Thursday, February 4th

8:00am PST | 11:00am EST

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Offered by Will Work For Food and moderated by Jeff Kichaven ( ) and Jean Lawler (

This worldwide conversation will be like nothing else.  Join in!  Share, learn, have fun.

Our special guest will be James Pooley, Principle, James Pooley PLC

Trade Secrets 2021: What You Need to Know

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Trade secret cases are the messy divorces of the business world, and lawyers can get great outcomes by smart use of facilitated mediation. This presentation will focus on the unique circumstances and dynamics of trade secret disputes. Whether company to company or departing employee, they all can be settled.

Jim Pooley focuses on trade secret law and management, as an advocate, advisor and neutral. He is an author or co-author of several major IP works, including his treatise Trade Secrets (Law Journal Press) and the Patent Case Management Judicial Guide (Federal Judicial Center). His most recent business book is Secrets: Managing Information Assets in the Age of Cyberespionage (Verus Press 2015). The Senate Judiciary Committee relied on Jim for expert testimony and advice regarding the 2016 Defend Trade Secrets Act. From 2009 to 2014 he managed the international patent system at WIPO in Geneva. He is a past President of AIPLA and Chairman of the National Inventors Hall of Fame. He currently serves as Chair of the Sedona Conference Working Group 12 on Trade Secrets. In 2016 Jim was inducted into the IP Hall of Fame for his contributions to IP law and practice.

Mr. Pooley has requested that you consider donating to his preferred food bank, Second Harvest of Silicon Valley. More information can be found at:

If you don’t already have a favorite charity please consider using the links below to find a food bank near you:

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