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The Client Science: Managing Clients Expectations

  • Marketing Resolution PO box 632 Marsing, Idaho United States (map)

Thursday, May 5th

8 a.m PST| 11 a.m EST

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Offered by Will Work For Food and moderated by Jeff Kichaven ( ) and Jean Lawler (

This worldwide conversation will be like nothing else.  Join in!  Share, learn, have fun.

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Our special guest this week, Svitlana Kalitsun, Negotiation & Intercultural Competence Trainer for Lawyers, will present on:

The Client Science: Managing Clients Expectations

"7 out of 10 corporations are so unsatisfied with their primary law firm that they would not recommend the firm to others" Imagine that, 7 out of 10 companies. And that had real consequences. In this session we are going to talk about client science, reveal few studies and discuss how to give our clients what they need but won't tell.

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Svitlana Kalitsun is a trainer at The Negotiation Academy™ and a lawyer from Vienna, Austria. She has conducted countless negotiations as a lawyer for top law firms in Austria and multinational corporations. Svitlana has gained her training at the Universities of Vienna, Leiden. To date, she has trained professionals, entrepreneurs, and students in Europe, India, and Brazil. Svitlana has helped numerous individuals excel in public speaking and leadership while serving as president of the Vienna Speaker's Club. She is an author, mentor, and visiting lecturer at L´viv Business School.

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