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One mediator. One negotiator. One Thought-provoking Conversation.

  • Marketing Resolution PO box 632 Marsing, Idaho United States (map)

Thursday, November 11th

8 a.m PST| 11 a.m PST

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Offered by Will Work For Food and moderated by Jeff Kichaven ( ) and Jean Lawler (

This worldwide conversation will be like nothing else.  Join in!  Share, learn, have fun.

Please consider donating to Ms. Mourao’s and Mr. Hidal’s preferred food bank, Ong Banco De Alimentos.

Our Special guests this week, Alessandra Mourão and Eduardo Hidal, will be presenting:

One mediator. One negotiator. One Thought-provoking Conversation.

Professors and practitioners of negotiation and mediation, Alessandra Mourão and Eduardo Hidal will discuss the beauty and challenges of mediation and negotiation inside and outside the Brazilian court system. A matter of great interest for those who have business below the Equator since like in many other countries the Brazilian courts take too long to resolve conflicts. Besides, many foreign companies hold a high percentage of the local market share.

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Founding partner of Nascimento e Mourão – Sociedade de Advogados. Former president of the Professional Ethics Committee of the IBA – International Bar Association (based in London) in 2019/2020, she is at present a member of the council of IBA’s Section on Public and Professional Interest. Creator and coordinator of the Course of Negotiation for Lawyers of Fundação Getúlio Vargas Law School (FGV-SP). She is a guest lecturer in the discipline of Negotiation for the Portuguese Catholic University – Lisbon, as well as the Business School São Paulo and General Coordination of Specialization, Improvement and Extension at Pontifíca Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo (USP-SP). Post-graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP). Specialist in Negotiations by the PIL (Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School).

Eduardo Hidal is an experienced negotiation and mediation professor and practitioner; he has authored several articles about negotiation and mediation.

November 4

The Role of WFP in Conflicts Past and Present

November 18

Settlement Agreements, Tax Consequences, and Malpractice Exposure